Sunday, February 19, 2012, 4-7pm at FINNIGAN’S WAKE 3rd & Spring Garden St.
The SAVE THE ARTS & MUSIC benefit show will be a fun night with great live, local bands, “Lost In Company” and “Lady” that feature Portside’s own talented instructors, drink specials and the Good Feeling you will have by supporting your community. Portside is the only community arts and music center of its kind in the river wards! Unfortunately, we are really struggling to sustain and with YOUR help Portside can continue to provide artistic enrichment for the community. Money raised will go to Portside’s Scholarship Fund & Programming
Portside’s Mission
Our mission is to empower the children and adults of our community with opportunities to develop their artistic abilities, awaken the imagination, and build self esteem and confidence. Through the arts we provide a safe haven for our community to nurture creativity, diversity, literacy and health for the betterment of all.
The Portside Arts Center is a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) community-based, educational arts center located at 2531 E. Lehigh Avenue, on the border of the Fishtown and Port Richmond neighborhoods of Philadelphia. In 2007, Director, Kim Creighton, a 20 year resident and skilled mosaic and metal artist purchased a two story 6,000 square foot building. Alongside dedicated friends and volunteers worked very hard to renovate the space in preparation to house the Portside Arts Center. They turned a warehouse filled from floor to ceiling with old furniture, old machinery, clothes, and collectibles into two visual art classrooms, a performing arts room and a music studio. Since 2008, the Portside has received nothing but great reviews and feedback from members of the community, media, local businesses and schools. The Portside offers more than 60 different music, visual and performing arts classes to children teens and adults. In 2011 the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program completed our full building educational fish mural that we are so proud to have on our walls.
Come see our beautiful Tropical Fish Mural.
Their Struggle
To fulfill her dream and vision of making the Portside a permanent amenity to the greater Port Richmond community Director, Kim Creighton has been working more than 60 hours a week unpaid since 2008. The little income Portside makes barely pays utilities, staffing, supplies, and our student scholarship fund. There are no other arts centers of its kind in our area and very little to no arts and music education within the schools. Due to the limited financial resources of the families in our community, Portside has been providing partial and full scholarships through fundraising to children, teens and adults who cannot afford to participate in our visual, performing and music programs. They provided over $4,600 in scholarships last year alone. On January 21, 2012 Portside moves into their fifth year and our goal is to make Portside a permanent cornerstone in our community. Please help keep the arts in your community by supporting and donating to Portside Arts Center.
This event is sponsored in part by Mike Driscoll of Finnigan’s Wake
Donate though PayPal or mail in a check made out to Portside
A tax deductible receipt is available upon request